Learn From Our Tutors Who Created These Blockbuster Games


our courses

    • Course Objective: Develop the programming skills required to start as a junior programmer in the video game industry 
    • Course Outcome: Students will be able to start programming a video game using C# and Unity 
    • Duration: 12 months 

    This one-year course is aimed at those who would like a career in video game programming. During the course, students will learn Unity and video game programming using C#. They will also get the opportunity to work on a commercial video game for the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X and the PC during their Final Game Project. 


  • Course Objective: Develop the art and design skills required to be a junior artist in the video game industry 
  • Course Outcome: Students will be able to create the art required for a complete video game using Unity 
  • Duration: 12 months 

This one-year course is aimed at those who would like a career as a video game artist. During the course, students will learn Unity from a game artist’s perspective and other industry-standard tools such as Photoshop and Quixel. They will also get the opportunity to work on a commercial video game for the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X and the PC during their Final Game Project.  


  • Course Objective: Get the skills to create your own game design document and manage a full game production team. 
  • Course Outcome: At the end of the course, students will be able to create a complete Game Design Document for their own dream game, its production budget and production schedule. 
  • Duration: Three months. 

This is a three-month course targeted at those who would like to pursue a career in the video game industry as a company founder, game designer or producer.  

During the course, students will learn how to create a complete Game Design Document for their own game, a full production budget and how to manage daily production using the latest agile software development techniques such as scrum, sprint, and Kanban. The last 6 weeks of the course will be dedicated to a student project. 



A unique feature of the Karma Play Academy diploma courses is the Final Game Project. This Final Game Project lasts six months.

Unlike a generic, theoretical project offered by traditional universities, our Final Game Project allows all diploma students to be trained as part of an actual commercial video game that is already in production.

This means that all students will get hands-on experience by working on a video game that will be shipping worldwide. The video game will be for the PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X.


Our guest lectures are delivered by current games industry artists, writers, programmers and producers from Europe and North America.

Between them, our guest lecturers have shipped hundreds of games on dozens of gaming platforms including some of the earliest gaming hardware like the Atari 2600, Commodore 64 and Sinclair Spectrum ZX.

During these guest lectures, the students will be exposed to a vast array of cutting-edge and highly practical production techniques used to create the latest triple A PC, console games in varied genres such as racing, first person shooter, RPG, RTS and MOBA.

Student Recruitment

The primary goal of the Karma Play Academy is to train the potential future employees of Karma Play. This includes programmers, artists, and project managers.

Contact us for more information. 


  • Yes. All our courses are designed to enable even working people to study. You just need to be able to set aside enough time every week for your training. 

Contact us to find out more.  

  • Most of the weekly software training is through pre-recorded videos. This is augmented by our weekly LIVE Q & A sessions and international guest lectures. 

Contact us to find out more.

  • No. You can study from anywhere in the world as long as you have a fast internet connection and a modern, gaming capable PC. 

Contact us to find out more.  

Yes. The middle semester of the one-year certificate course is set aside for all students to work on their own game. You can use this time to create a game demo, which will be part of your portfolio. 

  • This happens during the live weekly Q&A sessions. These sessions are held on weekends and last between two to four hours. 

Contact us to find out more

  • Yes. That is precisely how the Final Game Project is structured. All our students (artists and programmers) will get the opportunity to work on one of Karma Play’s internal game projects. 

Contact us to find out more. 

  • At present, Karma Play is working on six different games for the PC, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X, mobiles and Web3. Out of these six games, the first one, Old Skool Racer, has already been announced publicly. The PC version is now available via Steam. 

The company also has three PCs, VR simulations, a first-person shooter, and a third person RPG in various stages of development. 

Contact us to find out more. 

The final certificate will be from Karma Play Academy. 

Yes. We also provide recommendation letters for all students who complete our courses. Also, our diploma students can use the game they create during the course as part of their portfolio. 


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